fighting couple signaling divorce

Divorce: it’s a family affair, but a divorce solicitor can help

In April 2022, the legal process for getting divorced changed, and although it remains similar, there were significant changes in the conditions for which the court would grant a divorce. There is no longer the requirement for either party to accept the fault for causing the marriage to end. In doing so, parties can simply agree to get divorced, and this should help them to proceed with their divorce more amicably.

Getting the marriage certificate officially annulled by the courts involves lots of paperwork, but it is possible to do this without the guidance of a solicitor. However, when people feel emotional, many seek the support of a legal expert to ensure that this gets done quickly, efficiently and correctly to avoid delays.

The difficulties and confusion surrounding divorce usually arise when parties need to make arrangements for children or agree on how the finances should split. These are separate processes that may need to be carried out with the support of a solicitor. Although processes like mediation are encouraged to help reach an amicable solution, the advice of a solicitor is essential, especially if the case does have to be taken to court to reach an agreement since you will need their representation for this.

Arrangements for children

Deciding who gets the children and for how long are decisions that can be extremely difficult for the whole family. Divorce solicitors in Guildford and around the UK are trained to put the needs of the children at the heart of what they do. They will always act in the interests of the children to ensure that their rights are protected and that they get the best outcome for them. You should be encouraged to discuss your circumstances with your spouse to try and reach an agreement that suits everybody. Your children will need stability and security as they move into this new phase. If the relationship is too acrimonious, however, steps can be taken by a divorce solicitor to reach an agreement surrounding child custody.

man counting his money

Financial arrangements

This is a very complex area of the law, and having a legal expert who can take the weight off your shoulders in handling this part of the separation can be invaluable. When you are feeling emotional, it can be tough to think clearly, and as a layperson, it can also be difficult to know what your rights are; this is why having a family solicitor is essential for protecting your interests. In fact, ensuring you get a fair deal is important for you and your future. It is advisable to discuss this with your solicitor as soon as possible to get the ball rolling and resolve the matter promptly, hopefully by avoiding having to go to court. A solicitor should always aim to achieve this, but sometimes going to court is inevitable if an agreement cannot be reached for both parties. If the case doesn’t go to court, a solicitor will need to apply for a consent order from the court to make the agreement you have reached legally binding. If it does go to court, you will need your solicitor to represent you in court, and the court will decide how the finances should be resolved.

Find your solicitor

If you need a solicitor, it is advisable to find a specialist firm that deals with family law. Sometimes, if they handle many areas of the law, larger firms may not give the same level of attention as smaller firms provide to their clients. Smaller, specialist firms will be able to offer a bespoke service. Moreover, approach a firm that offers a free consultation and ensure that they are friendly and clear about what they can do for you. When you find the right solicitor, you can start to move forward with the rest of your life.

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