Tax Attorney

What to Consider When Hiring a Tax Attorney

Are you having legal problems related to tax payments? If yes, you are not alone, a majority of people are not aware of the right procedure to undertake in their cases. They also have no idea of the right person to contact. The most common tax-related case is the 831(b) compliance issue.

The compliance applies to insurance companies that have a maximum of $1.2 million in premium payments. You should work with a tax attorney to handle your case with the IRS. Here are the essential characteristics to look for in a tax attorney before hiring them:


Working with experienced attorneys increases your chances of winning the case. But before you sign the working contract with an attorney, check their reviews from past clients online. Some law firms are also notorious for scamming clients, and you do not want to fall into the trap.

Going through the reviews will guarantee you the genuineness of the law firm. Also, they will give you an insight into the quality of their services.


Some law firms will agree to carry out your case, yet they do not deal with tax-related cases. When an attorney with no tax specialization skills takes your case, there are minimal chances of succeeding.

Therefore, ensure that the company you work with has the necessary legal knowledge and experience to handle your case. Ask for their licensing documents to be sure that they are tax attorneys.

Hiring a Tax Attorney for Tax Payments


The entire process might get lengthy, and you will appreciate getting information from your attorney. An attorney ought to possess both oral and written communication skills when carrying out their tasks.

Remember that attorneys use a lot of legal terms, so do not hesitate to ask for clarification when you do not understand what they say. The attorney should have multiple communication channels so that you can reach him at different times of the day.


When handling such a case, you will be sharing sensitive details about yourself and your bank account. Therefore, you cannot take chances with dealing with an untrustworthy lawyer. You can research as much as you need to verify the genuineness of the lawyer.

If you get a feeling that something is not right, consider withdrawing your partnership with the lawyer. That will save you great loss and frustration down the road.


A law firm has many attorneys working under the same name. When you are sure you want to work with the firm, request to work a specific attorney to handle your case. That is because some companies switch attorneys in the process.

The result is usually inconsistency of results for the client. Working with one attorney from the beginning to the end speeds up the process, and the results are consistent.

If you are having problems with 831 b compliance, working with a tax attorney is your best option. Tax attorneys who have handled such cases in the past understand the processes. Such a case involves handling confidential information, and thus your choice of a tax attorney is of great significance.

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